band members l to r: Bernie Versailles (g), Joey Vera (b), Ray Alder (v), Pete Parada (d)not shown


"Engine is something that I've always wanted to do", says Engine/Fates Warning vocalist Ray Alder. "(It's) something that expressed my ideas, as far as musical tastes were involved. "The result is a record of originality, dense riffs, haunting melodies and lyrics of endless emotional depth, a combination that has long been lacking in this day and age. Ray elaborates, "Although I'm in a prog rock band I am also a fan of the much heavier styles of music."

While the album is undeniably direct heavy rock, fans of Fates Warning need not worry. And don't expect Ray to quit his day job anytime soon.

"I love what I am able to do with Fates, but this record really reflects my influences, as far as what I grew up with. "Helping Ray realize his vision in Engine is Bernie Versailles, (ex Agent Steel) on guitar, drummer Pete Parada of hardcore punks Face To Face and Armored Saint bassist Joey Vera who also lent his producing skills to the project. "The record would not have been what it is without them," says Ray, "I wanted to try and get a dark sound without being too depressing and at the same time get a heavy groove that makes you feel goodl"

Are live shows in the cards? You bet. Rock was meant to be this way!

"The record was written from a live perspective, meaning that when we were writing it I always pictured it live and I wanted to capture the feeling and the excitement that you get when you go to a show."



Track list: 1. Monster 2. Alone 3. Falling Star 4. Taste 5. I Don't Need 6. Teach Me 7. Bear Your Cross 8. Tree Of Life 9. You're Awake


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