Registered user # 15
My homepage: http://www.katagory5.com
AIM Address: katagoryv
MSN Messenger: katagoryv
Category: Katagory V website
Signature: Bassist - Katagory V
The new album "A New Breed of Rebellion", available Janaury 27th!
Information: Band: Katagory V
Style: U.S. Progressive/Power metal
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Members: Lynn Allers - Vocals
Curtis Morell - Guitar
Dustin Mitchell - Bass, vocals
Matt Suiter - Drums
Trevor Asire - Guitar
Albums: Present Day (EP), 2001 - Independant
Present Day, 2002 - Independant/Nighmare Records
A New Breed of Rebellion, 2004 - Metal Ages Records
Actual user status: Offline.
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