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Brazilian steel in German lands...

Steel in German.... a lot of beer and metal...that´s for sure


" We are warriors of time and dimensions
And your wisdom revive us to fight!
Always holding the flag of redempion
With the shine of the moon ´till we ride..."



(Above is the chorus of the music The First Warrior, that makes part of the pré-production Beyond the twilight hills). 
It´s incredible what we feel for the steel that give to us this music, a pride, happiness, The First Warrior was a homage of Steel Warrior to all the Warrior´s, especially dedication to the of The First Warrior Fan Club.  


Steel is in your first tour through the Europe, with concerts in Portugal, Belgiun, Germany and others countries. (See tour dates in Calendar section).


If you don't still have the member card... acquire yours... and become a warrior (Got yours in the Fan Club section).